Colors Cast Removal
A color cast image is an image with a tint of a particular color, usually undesirable, which affects the whole of a photographic image evenly.The reason behind having this unwanted tint of a particular color in the image can be certain types of light which can cause film and digital cameras to have a color cast. In general, the human eye does not notice the unnatural color, as our eyes and brain adjust and compensate for different types of light in ways that cameras cannot.Other reasons for color cast can be due to the lighting, the white balance of the video camera, or the type of film stock used given the lighting conditions during the shoot,unfavorable weather conditions,artificial lightings, overcast skies etc. Color casts exist because one or more color channels are inappropriately strong or weak. Furthermore, color casts aren’t usually uniform across an entire image. Often, color casts are stronger in one portion of the image (such as the highlights) and weaker or nonexistent in others (the shadows, for example).